PRE-ACTIVITY: Make sure you have gone through the code for Adventure #1, Day 3 to get a feel for the nitty gritty insides of an orbital integrator.

In Adventure #4 you will playing with the python N-body code Rebound.

First install with pip: do "pip install rebound" in the command line. Then you should be able to do "import rebound" in your python script/ipython shell to import this package. See this website for more info about installing and testing rebound.

What can I calculate? Check out the examples on the github repo for Rebound, especially the iPython examples and the Python examples.

Some things you might want to play with: What do all the different integrators do? Play with the code and read the docs about each integrator. Will some integrators be better for different sorts of systems?

Simulate a galaxy merger

Initial conditions as generated with Gadget-2. Read in initial condition files and simulate.

Initial Condition files for Merging Galaxies

A variety of particle resolutions. See code for details.

Rebound Documentation

How to install, run Rebound.

Rebound GitHub Repo For Examples of Code

Zomygod so many examples. Checkout the Python/iPython examples.

History: Initial N-Body Simulations I

One of Aarseth's early N-body papers.

History: Initial N-Body Simulations II

Second of Aarseth's early N-body papers.

Info about Gadget-2

One of the widely used N-body codes (includes some prescriptions for smooth particle hydrodynamics).