Sketchfab Galaxy 3D Interactive Animation
This quick post will describe in some detail and provide some example code to turn an SPH/N-Body simulation into an interactive three dimensional Sketchfab model as depicted above. I'll probalby make this into a fuller tutorial soon and include some ways to output these directly from Blender, but this shall have to suffice for the time being.
The basic idea is that we can combine PLY (or OBJ) files and a "sketchfab.timeframe" file into a three dimensional stop motion animation as described in this Sketchfab article.
A few examples of different file formats and options will be discussed here, but feel free to contact me if anything is unclear or you need info about how to convert your model!
A FINAL NOTE: you'll definitely want to play around with some of Sketchfab's 3D-settings. For example, I like using shadeless shading for my point particle simulations personally.
From an SPH-text File
If you've formatted your SPH data in an SPH-text file as described in the simple SPH movie tutorial you can use this quick python code to convert your SPH-text files into PLY files + a sketchfab.timeframe file. This makes the header Sketchfab movie above if you use the zipped SPH-text files linked here (26M).
But what if you have large SPH-text files and need to save less points in order to be able to upload your model to Sketchfab? Check out this Python script right here which reads in a series of higher resolution SPH-text files and only outputs a subset in a series of PLY files to upload onto Sketchfab. NOTE: because the origional simulation was produced by others in the collaboration, I cannot give the public access to the particular data set, but hopefully one can get an idea of how to apply it to your own data.
From a Simple Gadget-2 Simulation with a Python HDF5 Reader
The example outlined in this bit of Python code is a method to turn Gadget-2 data directly into a set of PLY files + sketchfab.timeframe file. This particular data set comes the Astrobites Gadget-2 Tutorial.
If you want to directly mess around with the snapshot files instead of running your own Gadget-2 simulation feel free to download the data here, but there are only a few snapshots so you're really better off re-running the simulation if you want a nicer movie.
From a yt Script
Finally, lets use yt to do all of the fancy data reading for us, and use a bit of extra Python code to reformat things into PLY files.
For this example I'm using the gizmo_cosmology_plus (4.5GB) dataset, but any particle dataset should work (famous last words... but really, it should!).
The example outlined in this example Python script turns particle data into PLY + sketchfab.timeframe file for upload onto Sketchfab. Note: there is a parameter which allows you to randomly downsample your data. Since Sketchfab maxes out at 200Mb, you might need to decimate your data to make an interactive movie.